This paper investigates a relative coupling control strategy based on the sliding mode controller to solve the problem of poor\nsynergy performance of the axes of the dynamic seat during operation and to realize the multiaxis servo synergic control with\nvariable proportions during the operation of the system. Firstly, the proposed method is theoretically proven to be accurate in\neliminating tracking errors and synchronization errors between servos in the process of system operation. Secondly, the system\nsimulation model is built in the Simulink simulation environment of MATLAB. On one hand, the final simulation result verifies\nthe accuracy of the theoretical proof. On the other hand, the control strategy is characterized by fast convergence, high synchronization\naccuracy, and strong robustness; thus, the system has excellent synergy performance. Finally, the motion control\nplatform of the dynamic seat was built for physical verification. The experimental result shows the effectiveness and feasibility of\nthe control strategy.